El Boletín Homoeopathic Physician- Vol 2 N° 1 Febrero 2021 cuyo índice es el siguiente:
Algunas palabras del editorDr. Renzo Galassi (pg. 4)
Editorial del presidente de la LMHI Dr. Gustavo Cataldi (pg.5)
• Adolph von Lippe (1812-1888) by Renzo Galassi, THP editor (pg. 7)
• Lippe as a defender of Homoeopathic Medicine, by Renzo Galassi(pg.13)
• Lippe as a successful physician, by Renzo Galassi, editor(pg.20)
Casos clínicos
• Lippe as a teacher of Methodology (pg.23)
• LIPPE as a inimitable clinician, by Renzo Galassi (pg. 39)
Quiz Corner
• Quiz corner, by Dr. Pietro Gulia (pg. 48)
• Solutions of the Quiz corner of LMHI News n 25, by Dr. Pietro Gulia (pg. 50)
Siguiente congreso
• LMHI world congress 2021, Istanbul, by Dr. Altunay Agaoglu (pg.51